As we get ready for another year of spirit and cheer mixing, it is time to start thinking about making some of the best pep rallies in school history. While the idea of putting on a pep rally can be intimidating for a cheer coach, there are a few things you can do to make it fun and easy! Here are 6 things to consider as you prepare for fall sports:
Work with Organizers!
The pep rally has a lot of moving parts. The band and sports teams have to attend, as well as the students. Work with teachers and school administrators to find a date, time, and location that works for everyone. Getting a consensus from these groups will not only make the first pep rally go smoothly, but will also help build relationships for future pep rallies!
Pick a Theme!
School spirit is an important part of school culture, but spirit alone will not make a great pep rally. Really amazing pep rallies have a theme to tie together all the activities and performances.
Ask the coaches and captains of the sports you are supporting about their themes and slogans for the year. Tying those into the pep rally will really make the event sparkle.
Build Your Routine!
A strong cheer routine should be a main part of your pep rally planning. While band dances and cheers are great, consider putting on a short 2-3 minute performance to cheer music that will show the students at your school what you can do! Contacting local cheerleading gyms or bringing in choreographers will put a professional sheen on your exhibition.
Pick Great Music!
Of course, no pep rally would be complete without great music. Ask members of the other sports what songs they use to pump themselves up on game day, and include those as part of your pep rally. Finding an epic cheer mix for your performance is really important as well – no one wants to dance to bad music! Companies like New Level Music or CheerleadingMix.com can provide high quality cheer music quickly and add the professional polish to your performance.
Polish Your Performance!
You’ve got your routine and your music, it is time to make it pop! An amazing performance ismore than just hitting the 8 counts. Remember that your hard work on your routine will be seen by the whole school, so having a mistake-free performance is really important. Don’t forget to review all the cheers and cheer songs that are going to be in the pep rally as well!
Be Inclusive!
Reach out to other clubs and sports in the school and ask if they want to be part of the pep rally. Including more of the student body in the event will help to build bonds across the school. Perhaps there is a Dance Club or a stomp team that feels left out because they are not part of the athletic program as your school. Making inroads with these groups will help bring everyone together and enjoy the year!
Everyone is excited about the upcoming school year and seeing the students at your school excel on the field or on the court. Organizing a pep rally that helps capture that excitement is the very essence of cheer!