Industry News: 2022 Triple Crown Winners
Now that the Universal Cheer Association’s international competition is completed the triple crown winners for this year, we at cheerleadingmix.com would like to congratulate the 2022 Triple Crown Winners. These breathtaking teams won at the three largest national competitions of the year: CHEERSPORT, NCA, and UCA. With thousands of teams from across the country and worldwide competing, these teams are truly the best of the best. They have some of the most difficult stunting and tumbling, combined with simply stunning dances, but these teams also have the consistency to hit week after week in the world’s largest and most competitive contest. Many of these teams will be competing at Worlds and the Cheerleading Summit in the next few weeks, and they are the teams to watch after their dominant season thus far. Ten teams won the Triple Crown this year, and they are all teams to watch. Seven of the Triple crown winners’ music is produced by top producers of New Level music, creating music on the Cheerleadingmix.com site.
Let’s learn more about the Triple Crown winners for 2022
San Antonio Spirit – Team Daisy (Youth level 1)
Team Daisy was truly a daisy to watch this year. Their tightly intertwined use of front and back walkovers made the level 1 tumbling fun to watch, and their combination of T-holds was artistic and inspired. The use of a traditional “sailor T” early in the stunt sequence was paired with a traditional T-motion lift later, creating an ingenious visual change.
Cheer Extreme – Frost (U17 level 2))
Look at the careful choreography and tight movement of this level 2 team! Cheer Extreme Frost brought it this year with their inimitable execution. Their stunt and pyramid rotations throughout the routine were fresh and new, showing that level 2 stunts can be intricate and creative.
NFINITIE All-Stars – Code Black (Senior level 3)
NFINITIE brought more sparkle than their uniforms to their 2022 performance at UCA Nationals this year. Creative use of front tumbling and dynamic formation changes really helped bring excitement to their Senior Level 3 team. Code Black’s straddle mounts and switches were clean and mistake-free.
Cheer Extreme – Youth Elite (Youth level 5)
Cheer Extreme’s Youth Elite squad made inventive use of intensely difficult stunting to help them lock in wins at all three of the Varsity Brand Major championships. They made their stunt sequence with a low-tock and a 360-degree twist-up to bow and arrow look easy at the 2022 UCA Nationals. Meanwhile, their visionary execution of flatbacks and tick-tocks in their pyramid showed just how much difficulty a youth team can accomplish.
Extreme All-Stars – X5 (Senior Coed level 5)
Extreme All-Stars X5 cleverly used repeated stunt themes throughout their routine, helping guide them to this year’s Triple Crown. X5 made creative use of inversions to transition into their stunt section, followed by an impressive double switch sequence. Extreme’s level 5 team used inversions again later in the routine with both a bridge to the ground and a needle to bring the inverted theme together.
Cheer Extreme – SJX (Junior Coed 6)
Cheer Extreme has made a name for itself by incorporating effortlessly difficult stunts with profound musicality. This year is no exception. While their tumbling is flawless, the real show begins when they begin their swing-through stunt sequence.
Twist & Shout – Diamonds (Extra Small Coed 6)
Twist & Shout Diamonds has been in complete control of their destiny throughout the season; with amazing stunting and tight tumbling, their victories at all three majors have been impressive. Equally impressive is their cheer mix, with a variety of vocal stylings and excellent use of dynamics. Their epic cheer mix is almost as remarkable as their skills. Here is their cheer music video by Cheer Music Pro:
Brandon All-Stars – Senior Black (Small Coed 6)
This year, Brandon All-Stars starts with stunning choreography, putting a stunt group in the center of their opening tumbling. Their incorporation of stunt with tumbling was really innovative, and their hand-to-hand snap-down to arabesque was executed flawlessly at UCA this year.
Top Gun All Stars – TGLC (Large Coed 6)
TGLC has dominated this year, with wins by significant margins in every major competition they have entered. The routine is amazing, but so is their red-hot cheer track! Credited with some of the most innovative stunting and music in the industry, here is their 2021-2022 music video for the unique cheer mix:
Zodiac All Stars Shadow – (U19 level 1)
With insane flexibility and more switches than an old-school lowrider with hydraulics, Zodiac Shadow showed that you do not have to go through two highs to execute elite stunts. Watch their show-stopping performance at NCA:
Congratulations to these outstanding teams and their world-champion success!